A Lasting Power of Attorney is a
legal document, which allows a person to appoint someone they trust as
an 'attorney' to make decisions on their behalf. These decisions can be
about their welfare, their money or their property. Attorneys can make
decisions for people when they no longer wish to do so, or when they
lack the mental capacity to do so. A Lasting Power of Attorney cannot be
used until it is registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.
Who decides what 'lacking mental capacity' means?
Someone can lack mental capacity if
they have an injury, disorder or condition that affects the way their
mind works. This could mean they have difficulty making decisions all of
the time or that it might take them a long time to make a decision. The
assessment of someone's mental capacity should only be made at the time
a particular decision needs to be made.
Any assessment should start with the
assumption that the person has the capacity to make the decision in
question. It should never be based simply on their age or appearance,
nor on an assumption about their condition or any aspect of their
behaviour. A solicitor can decide if someone is capable of making
decisions or understanding things such as a will or a Lasting Power of
Attorney. If in doubt, they can get an opinion from a doctor or another
appropriate professional. The Court of Protection has power to decide
whether someone has mental capacity or not if there is a disagreement.
Determining who is capable of making a decision
The Mental Capacity Act Code of
Practice, 2005, gives detailed guidance on how to assess someone's
ability to make decisions, but generally the sort of things that should
be taken into consideration when assessing the ability to make decisions
- if the person understands what decision they need to make and why they need to make it
- if the person understands what might happen if they do or do not make this decision
- if the person can understand and weigh up the information relevant to this decision
- if the person can communicate their decision (by talking, using sign language or any other means)
- if the person can communicate with help from a professional (such as a speech and language therapist)
- if there is a need for a more thorough assessment (perhaps by involving a doctor or other professional expert)
It's vitally important to make the
distinction that just because a person makes a decision you don't agree
with, doesn't mean they are therefore incapable of making a decision. If
in any doubt about this matter, it is always best to consult a
qualified solicitor for an informed opinion.
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