The purpose of a health care advanced directive is to give
somebody you know the ability to make your healthcare decisions. It
gives a person the authority to make all of your healthcare decisions
when you are in a stage of mental incapacity. This document will
instruct the person to make all decisions in accordance with the
instructions written down. It will give this person the right to access
all medical records that are needed for someone to make decisions
involving your healthcare and to apply for your benefits.
You need to get this document signed as soon as possible, because you never know when you will end up in an incapacitated state. A person is presumed to be capable of making health care decisions, unless determined to be incapacitated. The physician assigned to care for you decides whether or not you are incapacitated, and will ask for documents signed by you when deemed necessary.
Your advanced directive is the most important document for your attending physician to have from you. If you don't have it, there will be too many problems for the doctor when it comes time to decide whether or not you need surgery or serious medical treatment. The doctor will also have problems dealing with your family or friends who haven't been designated as your surrogate, and won't know the proper person to contact. Your health care advanced directive also helps to distinguish between your asset protection and your healthcare needs, and won't allow anyone to interfere with your Durable Power of Attorney or Last Will and Testament.
You need to get this document signed as soon as possible, because you never know when you will end up in an incapacitated state. A person is presumed to be capable of making health care decisions, unless determined to be incapacitated. The physician assigned to care for you decides whether or not you are incapacitated, and will ask for documents signed by you when deemed necessary.
Your advanced directive is the most important document for your attending physician to have from you. If you don't have it, there will be too many problems for the doctor when it comes time to decide whether or not you need surgery or serious medical treatment. The doctor will also have problems dealing with your family or friends who haven't been designated as your surrogate, and won't know the proper person to contact. Your health care advanced directive also helps to distinguish between your asset protection and your healthcare needs, and won't allow anyone to interfere with your Durable Power of Attorney or Last Will and Testament.
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